How do I Get Information on Therapeutic Cloning?
Things You'll Need
- Internet connection
Buy The Immortal Cell: One Scientist's Quest to solve the Mystery of Human Aging. The Immortal Cell, written by Michael West, takes a look at the many potential benefits and uses for therapeutic cloning as well as the controversial nature of the new field of research. As the owner of Advanced Cell Technology, currently the only research institute in the United States openly pursuing cloning research for medical purposes, Michael West's autobiographical account of his struggles in the field helps explain both how the technology works and the controversy behind it. The book retails for about $12 and is available for order online and at print book outlets. See Resources for the link.
Navigate to Explore Stem Cells website. The site is an online resource produced in the United Kingdom that strives to educative people about stem cells and the potential benefit of therapeutic cloning. Explore Stem Cells features a free monthly newsletter delivered by email and has a large database of information about the process of therapeutic cloning, the creation of stem cells from this process and the benefits and risks the process presents. Targeted as an entry portal for people looking to become aware of therapeutic cloning, Explore Stem Cells provides a beginner's database and easy-to-understand language for the purposes of learning and understanding stem cells. For the link, see the References section.
Navigate to Genetic Futures News: The Ethics of Therapeutic Cloning. Genetic Futures News is a website that deals primarily with modern gene therapy and medical breakthroughs. With information about stem cell therapy, xenotransplantation and genetic selection, it is a viable resource to get up-to-date information about breakthroughs in the therapeutic cloning field. Of special note is the essay "The Ethics of Therapeutic Cloning" that has a good breakdown of the controversy behind the process, and many educational links to facilitate further study. For the link, see the References section.