How do I Donate Plasma in Ankeny, Iowa?
Things You'll Need
- Two forms of identification
- Social security card
- Proof of local address (within last 30 days)
Schedule an appointment with one of the Des Moines, Iowa, plasma donation centers. These include the Biomat, Blood Center or Iowa and Octapharma Plasma.
Get an adequate amount of sleep the night before and eat healthy the 24 hours prior to donation. A well-balanced meal and plenty of water will help to ensure you remain strong and healthy during and after your donation. Avoid foods and beverages such as alcohol, whole milk, fried food, cheese, hot dogs, caffeine and any other high-cholesterol foods.
Arrive early to complete the medical screening necessary before a donation can be accepted. Screening will consist of a physical as well as questions regarding your medical history and age. Blood donations usually take around an hour, especially if it is your first donation.
Consume plenty of juice and water after your donation. This will help your body to replace the plasma that has been donated. The plasma should be fully restored within about 24 hours. The donation center will begin the process by providing you with juice and snacks while you rest for at least 10 minutes after you are done.