How Do I Make a Wrist Band for Wrist Support?
Things You'll Need
- Cotton-nylon blend fabric
- Scissors
- Tread and needle
- Hook-and-loop tape
- Fabric pencil
Cut a long, thin strip of fabric. The fabric should be about 2 inches wide and around 10 feet long.
Wrap your wrist with the band in order to determine the proper location for the hook -and-loop tape. You should wrap the fabric around your wrist at least twice, then once around your wrist and palm and between your thumb and index finger, and then once more around your wrist. It should be tight, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation. Mark the end of the fabric with a fabric pencil or marker. Cut off any unnecessary fabric.
Sew the hook-and-loop tape to the end of the wrist band with the hook side on top of the wrist band.
Repeat for the other wrist.