Uses of Antiseptics in Acute Wounds
Prevent Infections
An antiseptic is a substance that is used in wound care that prevents the growth and development of micro-organisms that can cause infections. The most common antiseptics used to treat acute traumatic wounds are iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide and silver sulfadiazine cream.
Kill Bacteria
Chlorhexidine is a non-toxic antiseptic that is used to irrigate wounds. It comes in three forms: diacetate, digluconate and dihydrochloride. Digluconate is the most commonly used form. When chlorhexidine irrigates a wound, it kills bacteria by damaging their outer cell layers and semi-permeable membranes, which causes them to burst. It can also cause their cells to coagulate, which kills them. Its use is effective against the bacterias Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeroginosa, both of which are naturally found on the skin. Using chlorhexidine decreases surface bacteria and increases the healing rate of the wound.
Clean Superficial Wounds
A three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide is used as an antiseptic. It is an oxidizing agent that reacts with lipids, proteins and nucleic acids and is used in cleaning superficial wounds. There has yet to be any substantiated data as to whether its use benefits wound healing or not.
Povidone iodine and cadexomer iodine are used on small acute wounds as a disinfectant. Iodine is used to eradicate viruses, fungi and fungal spores, protozoa, mycobacteria and bacteria. It works by chemically binding to proteins, nucleotides and fatty acids in these microbes and killing them. Povidone iodine can be found in solution, cream, ointment, dry spray or dressings. Cadexomer iodine comes in an ointment and dressing form.
Treat Burns
Silver sulphadiazine is used to treat burns. It comes in an aqueous cream or dressing form. Silver sulphadiazine is a micro-organism inhibitor, meaning that is prevents them from growing, and it is used to eradicate bacteria, fungi and viruses. Silver sulphadiazine can cause skin irritation and may be absorbed into the skin, which could lead to health problems.