Head and Spinal Cord Injury
Life without a functioning brain is no life. The brain and the spinal cord are essential to humans. While many parts of the human body can now be replaced, such as a knee, hip or liver, there is no replacing a brain or spinal cord. A person with a head or spinal cord injury must live with the consequences of that injury for the rest of his life.
A fall can cause a head and spinal cord injury. According to PDR Health, the most common types of head and spinal cord injuries are caused by automobile accidents. Next are acts of violence and sports injuries. Acts of violence could include a gunshot wound or assault with a deadly weapon. Among the elderly and small children, falls around the home are a common cause.
A head and spinal cord injury can place a person in a wheelchair. A severe spinal cord injury can cause paralysis, according to PDR Health. This paralysis is caused by the severing of the spinal cord. All feeling and control below the place where the spinal cord is severed is lost. Such a loss is permanent. Not all spinal cord injuries cause paralysis, though. Sometimes only partial function is lost.
Time Frame
An automobile accident can cause instant head and spinal cord injury. A head and spinal cord injury can happen in a matter of seconds. A sudden collision in an automobile and the damage is done. A hard hit in football or a fall down steps can alter a person's life without notice. Unlike a disease that develops over time, head and spinal cord injuries strike quickly and the damage is done.
The use of a seatbelt can prevent head and spinal cord injuries. There are several steps a person can take to prevent head and spinal cord injuries or at least lessen the chances of such an injury. Use a seat belt when in an automobile and drive defensively. Take precautions in sports and wear the proper protective equipment. Be careful around the home and watch out for areas that could cause falls.