Infections Inside Nose Piercings
Signs of Infection
While it's common to have a a bit of redness and soreness at the site of your piercing when it's new, if these symptoms persist, worsen or you start experiencing swelling, abscesses, an unusual odor or discharge, you should immediately see your doctor. Infections on or around the nose can be serious because the blood supply in that area also leads to the brain. If your symptoms are mild, you may be able to manage the infection alone.
Wash your hands thoroughly before tending to your piercing. The single most important action to take when treating any infection is to keep it clean. Wash your hands thoroughly before tending to your piercing. The use of salt soaks will aid in dislodging dried particles around the piercing. Use soft cotton swabs or cloths with anti-bacterial soap to keep the wound clean. Repeating the cleaning process periodically throughout the day will keep the bacteria levels down and speed healing. Make sure your pillowcase is freshly washed to keep from recontaminating the piercing site.
A balanced diet can help you heal. A healthy, balanced diet can be helpful when you have an infection. The proper nutrients give your body the ability to fight infections more effectively. The use of a vitamin C or zinc supplement may boost the body's healing abilities, but make sure any medication or dietary supplements are approved by your doctor before taking.
When the site is healing, don't remove your jewelery unless you no longer want the piercing. Once the jewelery is removed, the hole will close quickly. Do not use hydrogen peroxide or other alcohol-based products to clean the infection. These products will help kill an infection, but also damage the healing flesh. Do not use ointments, as they slow oxygenation to the area. Do not pick at the infection or tug on your jewelery. Avoid swimming until the infection clears. Do not use make-up on or near the piercing site.
Whether you choose to wear studs, hoops or nasal screws, the type of jewelery isn't as important as the substance it's made from. Many people have allergies to certain metals or plastics, so using the better quality materials is highly recommended. According to Body-Piercing, "Surgical Stainless Steel, 18 carat gold, 14 carat gold, titanium, niobium, (and) PTFE" are the most suitable for a healthy piercing.