List of Safety Hazards
Mechanical Hazards
For those working with or near heavy machinery, there is a risk of entanglement or crushing, which can often prove fatal. Workers can also be struck by falling objects or cut, resulting in serious injury. Workers should be trained in how to handle equipment and machinery safely.
Physical Hazards
There are a number of physical hazards to be aware of. Excessive noise can cause lasting ear damage and frequent headaches, and for those who are subjected to a lot of vibration--such as construction workers operating jackhammers-- various injuries can also arise, such as one called vibration white finger.
Workstation Hazards
Even those who sit at a desk for the duration of the day can be exposed to musculoskeletal injury as the result of a workstation that has not been ergonomically designed, that is, adapted around the physical and mental requirements of the individual.
Biological Hazards
Those who work in an industry that deals with biological content are at increased risk of infection by bacteria, virus or fungal spores. In some cases, this can be extremely hazardous to health, dependant upon the pathogens being worked with. Protection against this kind of hazard involves stringent storage policies and protective clothing.
Chemical Hazards
Those who work with chemicals also run the risk of health afflictions, if the chemical is ingested, brought into contact with the skin or the fumes inhaled. These workers are also at risk of explosion.