How to Get Rid of Skunk Odor on the Body

Skunks are nocturnal mammals that are part of the weasel family. They are quite large, similar to the size of an average cat. Skunks emit a foul odor in order to protect themselves from predators. The skunk spray stinks mostly due to sulfur compounds.

Things You'll Need

  • One quart of hydrogen peroxide,
  • One-quarter cup of baking soda
  • One teaspoon of liquid soap
  • Bucket
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    • 1

      Create a mixture of one-quarter cup of baking soda, one quart of hydrogen peroxide, and one teaspoon of liquid soap in a bucket or large container.

    • 2

      Apply the mixture to all of the affected areas of your body. Leave it on for five minutes.

    • 3

      Rinse the mixture off with water. This is best done in the shower. While rinsing it out, be careful not to get it in your eyes, nose or mouth.

    • 4

      If you feel that you need to repeat this process as the smell is not totally gone, feel free to do so. But, it can be harsh on your skin so don't repeat it more than twice in one day.

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