How to Reduce Knee Joint Pain
Ligament injuries result in severe pain, where you'll hear a popping sound, and you'll struggle to put any weight on the knee. You'll tend to walk with a limp. Walking will be extreme fully painful, and difficult to do. Knee tendonitis causes inflammation to one, or even both knees. Inflammation happens in the tendons, and can cause swelling of the knee caps. Knee oesteoarthritis is where it causes tear on the cartilage. Knee oesteoarthritis symptoms cause swelling, stiffness, and the loss of flexibility in your knee joints. You'll feel stiffness in the morning. Rheumatoid arthritis causes inflammation and swelling in the joints.
You'll need to be evaluated by a doctor to determine the knee pain condition that you're suffering from. There are a lot of effective ways to reduce knee joint pain symptoms. Sometimes simple rest can help reduce symptoms of pain, like knee tendonitis. Regardless of you knee injury symptoms, this article can help you show method to reduce pain symptoms, until you get an appointment to see your doctor.
Wear a knee brace or knee support. Wearing a knee brace or some kind of knee support can help. A knee brace can help stabilize the joint in your knee. You might not need a knee brace, depending on the condition of your knee injury. Those with arthritis in the knee, tend to not need a knee brace. You can still wear one, and it can help stabilize the joint.
Exercise the knee. Depending on the severity of your knee joint pain. If you can't bend the knee at all, then rest is required. You want to strengthen the joint, though. Be careful of the exercises you choose. Running a lot can provide more wear and tear on the joint. Maybe picking up swimming, or aerobics might be useful. Rehab for torn ACL's or torn ligaments will require physical rehab. You should be advised by doctors under what recommended physical exercise is needed, or physical rehabs would be best. Stretch the knee as well. Stretching the joint out can help. You can do simple stretches first, if you feel you're not ready for any actual exercises to rehab the knee.
Use ice to reduce inflammation. Ice packs can help reduce inflammation. Ice should be applied to your knee injury daily, until symptoms of inflammation are reduce. A lot of athletes use ice to reduce inflammation on knee injuries all the time. It's one of the first thing they do to treat pain, and reduce swelling.
Eat a good diet. You want to eat foods that provide good joint strength. Specially if you have arthritis. A lot of the foods that you eat can help provide with proper joint strength. Foods high in vitamins and minerals should be added to your diet. A high amount calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, iron, and fiber should be applied to your diet as well.
Using herbal supplements to treat pain. A lot of essential oils can reduce inflammation in the joints. Essential oils should be diluted, and can cause irritation to the skin for those who have allergies. Turmeric can be used as a herbal remedy to reduce inflammation. Turmeric helps provide stronger joints in the body. If you're taking prescribed medication, consult with a doctor first.