How to Treat a Calf injury
Grade 1 calf strain is the least severe. Tends just be pain, but capable of managing and coping with the pain. Meaning just tightness in the calf that can just last a few days. Usually just rest is needed and you're fine. Grade 2 calf stain injury is the most common kind. You might see a swelling on your calf, and inflammation is more intense. You'll feel extra tightness when walking, that might provide a limp. Grade 3 is the most severe kind, where you won't be able to walk. You'll need crutches. You'll notice bruising on your calf, and you'll most definitely need to get medical treatment. Physical therapy is usually used for grade 3 calf injuries.
Calf injuries are typical in sports. Those who run, might be easily capable of getting a calf injury. To prevent calf injuries, always stretch before any activities. This article will help treat a calf injury, and reduce calf pain. Grade 1 and 2 calf strains can usually be treated with home remedies.
Applying heat packs and ice packs. Heat won't treat a calf strain, but it will loosen the muscles up. Apply heat packs to your injured calf muscle, before stretching. After stretching, or intense activity, apply ice packs to reduce inflammation. Soaking yourself in a ice bath will help reduce pain as well.
Exercise the calf muscle. If you have a calf muscle injury, you should apply stretching exercises. Don't over do it, and if you're intense pain you should rest the calf first. Simple stretching can help loosen the muscle. I'll list a few helpful and non-harmful stretching exercises.
First exercise: Sitting on the ground, spread your legs. Using the leg with the injured calf, try to touch your toes.
Second exercise: Standing up, spread your legs. Then lead down and touch the floor with your fingers.
Third exercise: Standing up, grab your ankle and bend your knee, and lift your foot up toward your buttocks.
Eat a good nutrition meal. Eating foods that are high in calcium can help produce stronger bones. Eating good food alone won't treat calf pain, but it will help in treating a calf injury. Calcium is needed for muscle and bone density. Eat enough dairy, carbohydrates, meats, minerals, and vitamins in your diet.
Using herbal remedies to treat a calf injury. Some herbal remedies can help reduce inflammation. You can apply clove oil to the injured calf. Dilute the oil with olive oil, then rub it on the injured calf. Clove oil is an essential oil that has anti-flammatory properties. It will penetrate into the skin's tissue, and help relieve pain.
You can also take turmeric capsules, or garlic capsules as a natural herbal pain medication. Both reduce inflammation and help heal the muscle. Ask your doctor before taking, if you're taking any prescribed medications.
Discuss with doctor if symptoms feel severe. If you're struggling to walk, then see a doctor. Physical therapy and an examination by doctor will be needed if severe. First grade calf strain will be day-to-day. Second grade can last up to a week. Third grade will last up to months, and require physical rehab.