How to Make a Sitz Bath for an Episiotomy
Things You'll Need
- Portable sitz bath
- Bucket
- Calendula flowers
- Comfrey root
- Yarrow flowers
- Rosemary leaves
Buy a portable sitz bath. They can be found in any drug store for about $15. If you do not want to spend money on this, you can also use a new, clean bucket. Another option is to simply use a bathtub.
Thoroughly clean and disinfect your sitz bath, bucket or bathtub before using. It is important to keep bacteria out of the wound.
Fill the bath with warm water. It should have enough water to cover the hips and buttocks. Though warm water is effective and comforting, cold sitz baths can be even more healing. Martha Barry, R.N. and certified nurse midwife at the Illinois Masonic Hospital, reports that the cold acts as a pain reliever. In a comparison study that she reported on cold and warm sitz baths, researchers found that people who used cold water had less pain afterward.
Use an herbal wash. Mary Bove, a naturopathic physician and midwife from the Brattleboro Naturopathic Clinic in Vermont, suggests to use calendula flowers, comfrey root, yarrow flowers and rosemary leaves. Put a handful of each of these in boiling water. Steep them in the water for a few minutes, then strain the liquid. Use the cooled liquid in your sitz bath. This may soothe and relieve inflammation.
Repeat this process three to four times a day. Use the bath for up to 20 minutes at a time. The sitz bath is an easy, inexpensive way to hasten healing and decrease discomfort at this most important time in your and your baby's life.