Extreme Hip Pain
Prescription Medication
Over-the-counter medications provide a low dose of anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve hip pain. When hip results from a fracture or other condition such as arthritis, steroid injections or oral steroids like prednisone can offer long-term relief.
If battling extreme hip pain for an extended period, losing weight can relieve pressure on your hip muscles and joints and soothe inflammation.
Moving about or exercise can worsen hip pain and complicate an existing injury. Don't ignore hip pain. Instead, know your limitations and avoid stressing painful joints and muscles.
Inflamed hip muscles or hip pain due to conditions such as sciatica can impact your ability to sit for long periods. Sit on a pillow to take pressure off your hips and avoid situations that call for long-term sitting such as road trips.
Expert Insight
Because lying down on your back can aggravate extreme hip pain, Medline Plus recommends sleeping on your side with a pillow between both legs to reduce discomfort.