Side Effects of Subluxation
The most obvious side effect of a subluxation is mild to severe pain in the area the of the subluxation. The dislodged joint or vertebrae can sometimes put pressure on nearby nerves and muscles, and this can result in deferred pain somewhere else in the body. This is especially true when the subluxation occurs in the spine, which can result in stabbing pain or cramping down one or both legs. This pain can be managed with medication in the short term, but you should see a doctor anytime you experience chronic pain that cannot be explained and does not go away.
Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury. Subluxation can cause tissue damage around the area where the subluxation occurred. Blood flow to the area increases to help shed damaged cells out of the region so the body can heal itself. The increased blood flow results in swelling as well as the production of heat.
Numbess can result from subluxation because the dislodged joint or vertebrae can either interfere with the nerves that enable the brain to sense that area, or it can cut off some blood flow to the affected body part. Either circumstance results in numbness, because the brain cannot interact with the cells in that area and report results as it normally would. The numbness is not always total and can sometimes be a lessened sense of touch or sensation combined with a tingling feeling, similar to what you feel when a limb "falls asleep" if you've been laying on it for too long.