Signs & Symptoms of Tendinitis in the Foot
Foot Pain
A very noticeable symptom of achilles tendinitis is the presence of pain. states this pain appears in the back of the foot, near the heel. The pain of achilles tendinitis worsens when walking or standing on the tips of the toes. The area in the back of the heel, where the achilles tendon lies, may also be very sensitive to touch.
An individual with achilles tendinitis may experience swelling in the back of the heel, where the achilles tendon lies. In some individuals, a noticeable bump develops in the area of the achilles tendon. This is most likely because of the damage that has been done to the tendon itself, once it has been torn.
Pain Varies with Activity
The pain of achilles tendinitis may increase or decrease, depending on the type of activity an individual is doing. Trying to walk after resting the foot can be extremely painful. The pain, however, decreases with an increase in the initial movement of the foot. This pain relief is short-lived, because, after the initial decrease in pain, the pain of achilles tendinitis once again increases with more movement and activity.