How to Make an Elastic Bandage at Home
Things You'll Need
- Socks
- Scissors
- Thread
- Needle
Cut the socks open length-wise down both sides and across the toe. Tube socks are best to use because they come up to mid-calf or higher, which will provide the longest type of bandage.
Stitch the toe of one side of the sock to the ankle of the other piece until you have a long bandage. Use a strong loop stitch so that the stitching will hold through washing and drying. You can also sew the sides of the socks to make the bandage more uniform, but it is not necessary.
Roll up the bandage and place with your first aid kit for future use.
Use your bandage as you would an ace bandage. Wrap securely around the wounded or hurt appendage and tie or tuck the end underneath the bandage.