How to Prevent Face Scarring From Cuts and Wounds
A variety of factors influence whether or not a cut or wound on your face will scar and how prominent the scar will end up. The depth and size of the injury matter, as does the manner in which it is cared for. If a wound is large, gaping or jagged, it at least requires butterfly bandages and usually stitches. Scarring will result, but it should be much less noticeable than it would be if these care measures weren't used. Your general health and the health of your skin also play into whether or not scars form and how obvious they are.
Initial Wound Care
First, stop the bleeding from your facial cut or wound. Compress it with a clean cloth for 10 to 30 minutes using moderately firm, consistent pressure. Don't repeatedly lift the cloth to see if bleeding has stopped, as this inhibits clotting. Remain seated or standing so that your face is above heart-level. Once the bleeding stops, clean the wound. Flush it with water and clean around, but not in, it with soap. Sterilize tweezers in isopropyl alcohol and use them to carefully remove any debris or foreign matter in the wound. Then, apply a layer of antibiotic cream or ointment to the site of the injury to keep it moist and to help prevent infection.
Protect the Cut or Wound
To minimize the risk of scarring, protect your facial cut or wound from irritation and infection, both of which greatly increase the risk of scarring. They slow the healing process, trigger inflammation, cause itching or discomfort that prompts you to scratch or otherwise irritate the wound, and generally aggravate the injury. Cover the cut or wound with bandages to keep out dirt, bacteria and other irritants and sources of infection. Change the dressing at least once per day and any time it gets dirty or wet. Apply a fresh layer of antibiotic ointment or cream with each dressing change. Do not touch, pick at or remove the scab on the injury.
Eat for Healthy Skin
A healthy, well-balanced diet high in vitamin C promotes your overall health and your skin's, and it helps prevent and minimize scarring. Eat whole foods rather than processed and artificial foods. Base your diet upon whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, fruit, unsaturated fats and some low-fat or nonfat dairy. Limit sugar, sodium, cholesterol and saturated and trans fats. Biotin and vitamins A, C and E are particularly useful for skin health. Vitamin C in particular is beneficial to preventing scarring from your facial cut or wound, as it promotes better wound healing and more resilient tissue, cartilage and muscles. Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin C and other essential vitamins and minerals.