Paraffin Wax Treatment
According to the Holistic-Centre, paraffin wax therapy has been used since the 1960s.
A paraffin wax treatment involves submerging the affected body part, usually the hands, into a large container of warm wax for a moment or two, creating a waxy glove. After a few minutes, the wax is peeled off.
Paraffin wax can soften the skin, improve circulation and reduce stiffness in the joints. It can also reduce swelling of the joints and connective tissues.
When paraffin wax is used to treat arthritis, it may be referred to as thermotherapy. According to the Cochrane Collaboration, an international nonprofit organization that disseminates health care information, paraffin wax treatments in combination with exercises temporarily alleviate symptoms of arthritis in the hands.
Paraffin wax may also be beneficial in treating tendinitis, bursitis and sprains.