Medical Treatment for Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Bursitis
Symptoms of a rotator cuff injury are shoulder weakness, pain and a smaller range of shoulder motion. Bursitis symptoms include achy or stiff joints that hurt when moved or pressed and may appear swollen and red.
Shoulder bursitis and other rotator cuff injuries can be caused by repetitive movements, bad posture, falling and lifting, or pulling heavy objects.
Risk Factors
You may be at risk of shoulder bursitis if you are over 40, have arthritis, thyroid disease or diabetes. Having a job or hobby that requires repetitive motion or places pressure on the shoulders can also place you at risk for other types of rotator cuff injuries.
Medical Treatments
For bursitis-related rotator cuff injuries your doctor may recommend applying ice or heating pads to reduce swelling, taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen, or corticosteroid injections. Other rotator cuff injuries may require surgery.
You can reduce the possibility of a rotator cuff injury by doing shoulder exercises, taking frequent breaks from repetitive arm and shoulder movements, and applying ice or heat to shoulders if you feel pain or inflammation.