Why Do Corns Form on Feet?
Corns form from pressure on the foot. They usually appear on the tops of toes, but they can also show up on the sole or between toes.
Common Cause
Tight-fitting shoes are a common cause of corns on the foot. If the shoe consistently compresses an area of the foot, corns will begin to appear. However, the can also form if shoes are too loose because the foot rubs against the inside of the shoe, possibly against a seam or stitch.
A person with an abnormal gait is likely to have corns. This is due to the odd pressure placed on his or her feet when walking.
A toe deformity can also cause corns to appear. For example, bunions are bumps on the joint of the big toe that can make the foot rub the inside of a shoe awkwardly. Also, a hammertoe, where the toe curls like a claw, like a bunion, leads to corns, for the same awkward rubbing it creates inside shoes.
The best way to avoid corns is to wear shoes that fit your feet properly in length as well as width. To treat a corn, Dr. Foot recommends a pumice stone and foot cream. Also wear socks to prevent excess rubbing of the foot inside shoes. Diabetic patients should consult a physician and not attempt to self-treat foot ailments.