What Are Cotton Balls?

A cotton ball is made from natural cotton fibers that are processed and shaped into round balls that are typically white in color. Because of its shape, appearance and ability to absorb liquids, cotton balls have a variety of uses.
  1. Uses

    • Cotton balls are often used underneath adhesive tape or a bandage to stop bleeding from small wounds like injection sites or to apply rubbing alcohol or topical antiseptics to the skin. Other uses for cotton balls include applying and removing make-up, removing nail polish and as a material for crafts.


    • Some cotton balls used for medical purposes are sterile, meaning they have been heated to kill any germs on the surface of the cotton and then packaged in an air-tight container. Cotton balls typically used around the home are non-sterile.


    • Although there are no standard sizes for cotton balls, many companies sell three sizes small or 1/2-inch diameter, medium or 3/4-inch diameter and large or 1-inch balls.


    • As of December 2009, one bag of 2,000 medium non-sterile cotton balls cost an average of $11.00 to $13.00.

    Interesting Fact

    • Bambakomallophobia is a fear of cotton wool, which may manifest itself as a fear of cotton balls or an aversion to their texture.

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