What Are the Treatments for Shoulder Impingment & Rotator Cuff Tendonitis?
Rotator cuff tendonitis occurs when one of the shoulder's four tendons becomes inflamed. Compression of the tendons of the rotator cuff causes shoulder impingement. Both conditions cause pain with movement.
Pain and tenderness are the primary symptoms. The pain can radiate from the shoulder's front to the side of the arm, and lifting and reaching can cause immediate pain. There often is a loss of range of motion and pain is often worse at night.
Treatment usually begins with rest and avoiding activities that cause pain. Injections of a local anesthetic and cortisone into the shoulder and physical therapy are other treatments.
Surgery is only done as a last resort. Removal of bone spurs and inflamed tissue provides the rotator cuff additional space and reduces the chance of impingement.
Most rotator cuff tendonitis and shoulder impingements get better without surgery. Patients requiring surgery usually are able to return to their previous activity level.
Limit repetitive overhead movements such as painting, construction work or sports requiring overhead motion such as tennis and baseball. Strengthen the shoulder muscles by performing resistance exercises. Apply ice after exercise to avoid swelling.
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