How to Do Corner Knee Exercises
Place your hand on the outside of your knee, pressing inward lightly with around 10 pounds of resistance. Keep your hand located here, providing resistance throughout all of these exercises. According to information from Frank Noyes, MD, a knee surgeon operating at the Cincinnati Sportsmedicine and Orthopaedic Center in Ohio, this is necessary to protect the structure of the knee following a corner knee injury.
Perform a simple knee bend, reaching underneath the leg with your other hand and pulling the leg up towards the chest as far as you can. Stop and reverse if you feel sharp or stabbing pains, or anything else beside mild stretching discomfort. Move slowly throughout the exercise, holding the stretch in the peak position for 10 to 15 seconds during every repetition and repeating the entire drill 10 to 15 times in total to maintain flexibility in the joint while you are recovering from surgery.
Perform passive knee rotations by bending your knee so that your injured leg is at a 45 degree angle with your foot flat on the bed or any other flat surface. While keeping your leg at the same angle throughout, rotate outward at the knee and hip, attempting to touch your little toe and the outward portion of your knee to the bed. Stop when you feel more than moderate discomfort and reverse directions, attempting to touch the inside of your knee to your other leg and your big toe to the bed. Continue rocking the leg back and forth slowly for 10 to 20 repetitions to improve bloodflow and maintain flexibility in the joint.