How to Remove Paper Tape From Skin
Things You'll Need
- Pair of gloves
- Warm water
- Alcohol prep pad
- Adhesive remover pad
- Cotton ball
- Cotton-tipped applicator
- Baby oil
- Olive oil
Wash your hands with soap and water, and then apply gloves if performing a wound dressing change.
Moisten the top of the tape and around the edges with warm water, an alcohol prep pad or an adhesive remover pad. The liquid remover chosen depends on the availability and your preference.
Wait 1 to 2 minutes and then lift up a corner of the tape. If the tape doesn’t lift easily, moisten the tape again and wait 1 to 2 minutes longer.
Pinch the corner of the tape between your forefinger and thumb. Lift the tape off the skin slowly. The tape should lift easily. While lifting the tape, gently press the forefinger and middle finger of your opposite hand at the point where the tape and skin meet.
“Walk” the fingers on your opposite hand in the direction you lift the tape. This applies counter pressure which minimizes pain and helps pull your skin away from the tape.
Remove any leftover tape residue on the skin by rubbing the area with a cotton ball or cotton-tipped applicator moistened in baby oil or olive oil. You can also use an adhesive remover pad to scrub away the residue.
Wash the skin well before applying a new dressing. Remove and dispose of gloves. Wash hands with soap and water.