What Are the Causes of Bursitis of Elbow?
The bursa can swell and produce extra fluid if it is struck severely. This blow can come from hitting against anything, like a wall, person or the ground.
Leaning elbows on hard surfaces, like a desk, for an extended period of time can also cause bursitis of the elbow. This type of bursitis develops over time because it is due to the constant pressure of the elbows against hard surfaces and not a direct blow to the joint.
Infection is another cause of bursitis. An infection can develop if there is a cut on the elbow and bacteria gets in. This causes the bursa to produce more fluid and swell.
Medical Conditions
Other medical conditions have been linked to causing bursitis. They include rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Bursitis is treated by removing the fluid and treating any type of infection that may be the cause of the condition. If infection isn’t the cause, the elbow will be cushioned and iced. Surgery can also be performed to remove the inflamed bursa.