How to Reduce Puffiness From a Black Eye

An injury to the face (especially the nose) can result in a black eye. This condition occurs when blood and fluid collect around the eye. In fact, the eye itself is not usually injured during this time. The swelling and fluid collection around the eye, which often results in a black color, is the reason for the name. While a black eye is almost never serious and will heal on its own in several days, there are several at-home treatments that you can perform to reduce swelling and puffiness and further hasten the healing process.

Things You'll Need

  • Sandwich bag
  • Ice cubes
  • Small cloth
  • Frozen vegetables
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      Place several large or crushed ice cubes into a small sandwich bag. It is best if you use a bag that has a zip or seal so that water will not seep out of the bag as the ice melts.

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      Cover the bag with a small, thin and clean cloth. Using a cloth to cover the bag will protect your skin from the ice. If you are using an especially thick sandwich bag, you may be able to disregard this step. If unsure, simply cover the bag completely with a thin towel before applying it to your skin.

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      Lay flat on your back on a comfortable surface.

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      Place the covered ice bag on the area that is puffy or swollen, and leave it there for 20 minutes. On the first day that you have your injury, or before the black eye even develops, ice your face for 20 minutes every hour while you are awake. The next day, you can reduce the frequency of ice treatment to 3 to 5 times during the day. After a few days, the puffiness and swelling will dissipate.

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      Avoid physical activities, such as vigorous sports, until the swelling is gone.

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