Uses of Unna Boot
Unna Boot
The primary disorder treated with an Unna boot is venous ulcers of the lower leg or foot. Venous ulcers occur as a result of chronic venous deficiencies, according to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital website. Several medical tests have been developed to diagnosis venous deficiencies although the resulting ulcers, or open wounds, are usually obvious.
According to the Vitality Medical website, a variety of ulcers and wounds can be treated by the Unna boot because it delivers treatment to wounds with light to moderate drainage.
An Unna boot is made by wrapping a gauze bandage moistened with zinc oxide around the foot and lower leg. The boot usually extends from the toes to the just below the knee. Once the zinc oxide dries, an elastic bandage is wrapped around the Unna boot to maintain pressure on the foot and leg.
The Unna boot will need to be replaced every one or two weeks until the ulcer has healed. Large ulcers take longer to heal and will require several applications of the Unna boot. Successful treatment of smaller ulcers may only require one or two applications. Zinc oxide does not cake or dry out, allowing the Unna boot to remain in place for longer periods than other medicated compresses.
Patients treated with an Unna boot need to take some basic precautions. They may take tub baths or showers only if precautions are taken to keep the Unna boot dry. In some cases, only a sponge bath is possible while the Unna boot is used.
Most patients utilizing an Unna boot are ambulatory. Patients confined to a wheelchair or bedridden are usually treated with other forms of medicated compresses.
Patients wearing an Unna boot should wear normal socks and can wear shoes although they will usually require a wider size.