Tetanus Home Remedy
Chinese Herbal Medicine
There are a few different remedies used by Chinese herbalists to cure tetanus. This section will cover two main ones. The first is Arisaema which in certain combinations is used to enhance the immune system. It also used for muscle spasms and is generally taken with another form of treatment.
This next remedy uses a handful of different herbs that you may be able to find at the health food store. You will need 30 grams of ground Cicada Slough, 6 grams of Arisaema Tuber, 6 grams of Gatrodia Tuber, 7 to 9 pieces of Scorpion, and the equivalent of 7 to 9 pieces of Sick Silkworm in the powdered form. Take half of this formula after breakfast and half after lunch. You should take 1.5 grams of cinnabar powder with yellow wine before doing this and the tetanus will be cured within three days. It is more effective upon higher levels of sweating.
North American Remedies
There are also some remedies that are more common for North America. One of them includes warming up a small amount of "spirits of turpentine" and pouring it directly onto the affected area. You will actually feel the relief in 60 seconds or less.
This next one takes a few extra ingredients that you will find at the health food store. You will need an ounce of powdered lobelia seed, 2 oz. of cayenne pepper, and one half a pint of tincture of myrrh (also known as hot drops). Put these three ingredients into a bottle and shake it well. Pour a small amount in between the cheek and the tongue. The spasms will be calmed as soon as contact is made. Take this when the spasms start and also drink pennyroyal tea. This method will also cause extreme sweating which is good for ridding the body of toxins.
Other Herbal Remedies
There are two more herbs that are used to treat tetanus. The first is False White Teak which is mixed with water to make a herbal drink. This should be done twice a day for five days. The second is Blue Ginger and Galangal rhizome with water. This should be taken three times a day for a week. Neither if these have any common side effects and both are very effective.