How to Take Care of Blisters on the Bottom of Feet
Things You'll Need
- Gauze or bandages
- Soap
- Antibiotic ointment or tea tree oil
- Clean needle
Cover the reddened area with a flannel-covered bandage called moleskin, water-based gel dressing like Second Skin or petroleum jelly to protect the skin and ease pain. This can help prevent a blister from forming.
Do not pop an already formed blister unless it is causing pain or interfering with your ability to walk. Cover it with a bandage or, if it is larger, a piece of plastic-coated gauze. If you need to pop the blister, use the following information to do it safely.
Wash your hands and the blister with soap and water.
Sterilize a needle by placing it in a flame until it turns red (let it cool before using) or clean it with rubbing alcohol.
Gently prick the blister in a few spots near its edge and let the fluid drain out.
Do not remove the extra skin; this will slow healing.
Put antibiotic ointment or tea tree oil on the blister and cover with a bandage or gauze pad.