Bedsore Remedy
The first step in treating bed sores is to change the patient's position as often as possible. If you are in a wheelchair, shift your position every 15 minutes. Those confined to their beds should move (or have a health care worker move them) every two hours. This will relieve the pressure that causes bedsores.
It is also important to have a mattress that is designed to support the body without applying as much pressure as traditional mattresses. Inflatable pillow beds and an air fluidized bed can help alleviate and prevent bedsores. Wheelchair cushions should be foam, water-filled or air-filled.
To treat bed sore wounds it is important to keep the affected areas clean. In the beginning stages you may clean the sores with soap and water. Bedsores that are more severe and have become open wounds should be cleaned with a saltwater solution before the dressings are changed. If the patient is able to use a whirlpool this may be helpful to improve the circulation in the body. However, a whirlpool is not safe for patients with open bedsore wounds. If a patient is bedridden massage the affected areas to improve circulation.
The skin where the wound has formed should stay moist but the surrounding skin should remain dry. In more serious cases a patient may need to cover the wound.
Diet is an essential part of the healing process. Vitamin C and zinc are great to promote healing of the wounds. These vitamins and mineral can be taken as a supplement. They also help to improve the overall health of your skin to fight against breakdown. A healthy diet, with the recommended calories and protein, is needed to nourish and protect the skin.
To prevent bed sores do not lay on your hipbone. It is best to lie at a 30-degree angle on your side. Your legs should be supported at all times when lying on your back. You can use a pillow under your legs. It is best to place the pillow starting at the middle of your calf to your ankles and not behind your knees to prevent blood flow restriction. If you raise the head of your bed you should raise it at a 30 degree angle or less. This degree will prevent your body from sliding and causing further injuries.