How to Reverse Tendinitis
Immobilize the affected area if your doctor instructs you to do so. He might give you a splint, brace, cane or other device to protect the tendon; this will promote healing and reduce risk of further injury.
Avoid activities that aggravate your injury. After several days of completely resting the tendon, you can begin to move it again gently to promote range of motion and flexibility. Ask your doctor for advice regarding appropriate and inappropriate activity. You do not want to keep it immobile for too long, or you will promote stiffness. Do not rush back into sports or other activities that contributed to your injury too soon. You will delay healing and possibly worsen your injury.
Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day to ease pain, spasms and swelling.
Use over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin, Advil, Motrin or Aleve as directed on the product label. They treat both pain and inflammation. If these medications are not sufficient, your doctor might give you a corticosteroid injection. That can quickly relieve pain and inflammation, but repeated use increases risk of rupturing the tendon.
Consider using natural supplements to ease pain and inflammation and promote tissue healing. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests the following supplements: Vitamin C (500 twice a day), vitamin A (15,000 IU daily) and Vitamin E (1,500 IU daily) all ease inflammation and promote tissue healing. The herbs bromelain (750 mg three times a day) curcumin (400 mg three times a day) and licorice tea (3 cups a day) all ease inflammation. You do not need to take all of them as some offer similar benefits. Talk to your doctor about using natural supplements; he can determine if they are appropriate and suggest which ones are best for you.
Try acupuncture. According to the university, studies indicate it can be an effective treatment for tendinitis.