Exercises for Hamstring Tendinitis
First 72 hours
In the first three days after a hamstring tendon injury, it is best to refrain from exercise and focus on icing, compressing, elevating and resting from painful activities. Trying to start an exercise program too soon after injury can result in chronic tendinitis. Anti-inflammatory medication also can help speed up recovery time.
Hamstring Exercises
After the initial 72-hour period has elapsed, it's generally considered safe to begin a hamstring stretching and strengthening program. However, individuals should remember to avoid running, sports and any other activities that place excessive pressure on the tendon for at least four to six weeks.
Exercises for hamstring tendinitis are easy and don't require too much exercise equipment. The following exercises can help strengthen the tendon and speed up recovery time:
--Hamstring standing stretch: With your foot on a chair, lean forward with your back and knee straight until you feel a mild to moderate stretch in your knee or the back of your thigh. Hold stretch for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat four times, switching legs when finished. An alternative to the hamstring stretch is to bend the knee slightly if keeping the knee straight is too painful.
--Hamstring sitting stretch: Lean forward with one leg in front of you. Try to touch your toes and keep knee and back as straight as possible. Hold stretch 15 to 20 seconds and repeat four times. Alternate legs when finished.
--Hamstring curl. To perform the hamstring curl, you'll need a resistance band. Lying flat on your stomach, wrap the resistance band around your ankle and with your hands behind you back, gradually bend your knee toward your back. Repeat 10 to 20 times, alternating legs.
If stretch every becomes painful or uncomfortable, stop immediately to avoid further aggravating the tendon.
If you are experiencing severe pain that is not alleviated with pain medication and icing, you should consult your doctor to find out if cortisol injections or even surgery is necessary.