What Is a Sharp Debridement?
Debridement is the removal of dead tissue or foreign material from and around a wound to improve healing. A sharp debridement involves cutting away tissue with a scalpel or scissors.
Sharp debridement is typically a minor bedside procedure. It's employed in urgent cases involving deep tissue damage and painful wounds.
Other forms of debridement include mechanical debridement, which uses whirlpools, spray guns, compresses, syringes or catheters; autolytic debridement, which employs a gradual softening of tissue; enzymatic debridement, which features enzyme treatments; and biodebridement, which uses sterile fly maggots to digest dead tissue.
A sharp debridement can be highly selective, eliminating precise amounts of tissue. It also provides faster results than other forms of debridement.
Due to the instruments involved and the required skill, a sharp debridement should only be performed by a trained practitioner. It may require anesthesia or pain control to limit discomfort during the procedure.