How to Wrap a Dislocated Knee
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Clean towel
- Wide sports bandages or first aid tape
- Sterile gauze
- Rigid cardboard or a rolled magazine or newspaper
Making a Splint
Make sure the victim remains still and the injured leg is elevated and supported. Do not try to move the dislocated knee or set it back into place. Gently apply an ice pack wrapped in a clean towel to minimize swelling and pain around the injury.
Immobilize the dislocated knee exactly as you found it by creating a temporary splint. Carefully place a rigid object such as a piece of cardboard under the injured leg. If nothing else is available, a folded magazine or rolled-up newspaper will work. The stabilizing object should be long enough to extend above and below the knee for the splint to be effective. Place sterile gauze in any gaps between the splint and the leg for padding.
Carefully wrap the wide sports bandage around the leg and the splint above and below the injured knee, and secure tightly. The bandages should be tight enough to provide adequate support and stabilize the joint, but be careful not to block the victim's circulation.
Check the bandages on the splint every15 minutes or so until help arrives to make sure they are secure, but not too constricting. Continue to keep the victim still with the splinted leg elevated.