How to Get Rid of Foot Ulcers
A foot ulcer is a sore that appears on the foot and does not close up on its own. Foot ulcers are a common complication of diabetes; the American Academy of Family Physicians reports that foot ulcers are one of the leading causes of foot amputations among diabetics. Foot ulcers require specialized medical care to avoid complications that may lead to the loss of your foot.Things You'll Need
- Crutches or wheelchair
- Cast
- Medications
- Surgery
Keep off your foot as much as possible. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests elevation, using crutches or a wheelchair, or a total contact cast to reduce the amount of pressure put on the wound.
Keep the wound clean and moist. Your doctor may suggest special bandages and topical medications such as Regranex for you to apply to the sore that provide moisture in a sterile environment.
Take antibiotic medications under the supervision of your doctor if he is concerned about infection. Antibiotics can both treat and prevent infection from bacteria that may enter an open foot ulcer.
Undergo a surgical procedure called debridement. Debridement is a cleaning process in which dead tissue is removed from the foot to encourage healing.