How to Alleviate Sciatic Pain Symptoms
Find the proper balance between rest and activity. You do not want to overdo it physically but at the same time, you want to move around adequately to ease stiffness and other forms of discomfort and chronic pain. Start off with low-impact activities and as your symptoms improve you can engage in more rigorous exercise. Your doctor can suggest an appropriate regimen.
Talk to your doctor about medications that can ease symptoms. He might give you prescription pain medications, steroid injections, antidepressants or anti-seizure medications that interfere with pain messages, or muscle relaxers. Take all medications as directed and do not alter your treatment without speaking to your doctor first.
Consider physical therapy if your sciatic pain is due to a specific injury like a herniated disk. The therapist can show you exercises that can ease symptoms and help you prevent future injuries.
Use hot and cold applications to relieve pain and swelling. Stick to cold the first two days after sciatica hits. Apply an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day. After two days, you can use heat to ease the pain. Use a heating pad on the lowest setting. You might find you prefer one over the other or that a combination of hot and cold works best.
Try acupuncture. Dr. Weil suggests this as a useful therapy for sciatic pain. It usually requires several treatments. Always work with a licensed acupuncturist.
See your doctor if conservative treatments are not providing relief after six weeks. He can recommend other options, which might include surgery.