How to Treat Ulcerous Bed Sores
Change positions frequently to relieve pressure and encourage circulation. The Mayo Clinic advises shifting positions every 15 minutes if you are wheelchair bound and every two hours if you are bedridden. Avoid aggravating the wound further by covering it with some sort of protective padding during shifting. You might need someone to help you.
Use supportive pads, mattresses, beds and cushions that alleviate pressure on the sore and help prevent new ones from forming. No one support product is appropriate for everyone, and the products are fashioned to accommodate the extent of your mobility, severity of your wound and body type. Your doctor can help you find appropriate products.
Use medicated dressings that protect the wound and encourage healing. The type of dressing hinges on the nature of your wound. You might also need to apply a topical antibiotic to address infection. Follow all of your doctor's instructions exactly regarding dressings and cleansing.
Be diligent about cleansing your wound to prevent infection. If your wound is open, you need to use a saltwater solution every time you change your dressing; soap and water is not sufficient. Do not use products that contain hydrogen peroxide or iodine.
Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing incontinence. Controlling your bladder or bowels is very important for sore healing. He can recommend medications, behavioral methods and lifestyle changes that can help.
Use hydrotherapy. Whirlpool baths cleanse the skin and remove dead and infected tissue. Your doctor can advise you about how to use hydrotherapy.
Eat a diet rich in nutrients that promote tissue healing and protect the skin from breakdown. Protein, vitamin C and zinc are the most vital. Your doctor can provide guidance on what foods are best for you. He might also give you supplements of vitamin C and zinc as well.