Dermabond Instructions
If you decide on Dermabond to close a wound, the first thing you must do is clean the wound or laceration with a topical anesthetic and flush it with a sterile saline solution. A combination of gentle soap and water can be used as an alternative to the anesthetic and saline if needed. Pat the wound dry, then apply an antiseptic or antibacterial agent to the wound. This is used to stop bacteria from getting into the wound and causing infection.
Determine if the edges of the wound can be closed evenly. To do this, hold the outer edges of the wound together with your fingers or forceps. If you determine the wound cannot be closed manually, it will have to be closed with stitches. If you can successfully keep the wound closed with the fingers or forceps, you can use Dermabond.
Using your thumb and index finger, crush the Dermabond vial and invert it. While holding the wound edges together, gently squeeze the vial to force the Dermabond glue out the tip of the tube. Once the adhesive is visible at the tip of the tube, apply it to the wound edges with gentle back and forth brushing motions. The applicator tip should never be pressed into the wound. This could prevent the wound from healing properly. Hold the edges together for no less than 30 seconds before releasing. Apply three layers of adhesive around the wound in an oval pattern to ensure wound closure. Do not touch the wound until it has completely dried.