What Exercises Can Be Done With a Knee ACL Tear
Range Of Motion
Improve your knee’s pain symptoms, strength and range of motion by completing a few simple exercises before moving into exercises to strengthen surrounding muscles, according to Sports-Injury-Info.com.
Begin with quad reps. It is an isometric exercise, meaning you will not move any of the joints during the exercise. In a sitting position with the legs extended straight in front of you, simply contract the quadriceps and hold it for a few seconds and release. Repeat this exercise about 20 times.
Next get a towel and perform a set of heel slides. Hold one end of a towel in each hand and wrap the towel around the bottom of your foot at the heel. With your knee slightly bent, you should be able to slide your heel along the floor by pulling the towel toward you and lowering it away from you. Relax the leg and use just your arms to pull the heel in as far as it is comfortable. You should not go beyond the point of mild discomfort. Hold the knee in this position for a few seconds and then let it back down.
Add straight leg raises when you feel you are able to do so. Sit in a reclined position on the floor, supported by your hands or elbows. Raise the affected leg, with the knee straight, into the air with the top pointed straight up. Hold it about 10 inches off the floor and then relax it and let it back down. This exercise may seem difficult or impossible at first, but keep working on it and it will happen.
Surrounding Muscles
Strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee to help stabilize it and prevent future injury.
Build strength in your thighs by doing mini squats. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend the knees slightly. Place your hands on a countertop to support you. Pretend you are squatting to sit into a chair. Move down about six inches, and then return to a straight stand. If doing eight to 12 reps is painful, you may not be ready for this particular exercise. Try it again in a few days.
Make your calf muscles stronger by doing heel raises. This is a simple exercise that is accomplished by standing with your toes forward a few inches apart and raising your heels few inches off the floor while standing on your toes. Hold the position a few seconds and return the heels to the floor. Do eight to 12 reps several times a day.