Types of Gangrene
Dry Gangrene
Dry gangrene is a slowly progressing condition that is caused by lack of blood flow. The affected tissues start to dry out and eventually turn black.
Wet Gangrene
Wet gangrene is a potentially fatal condition caused by a bacterial infection, which can spread to other parts of the body. It is characterized by blistering and swelling of the affected tissues.
Gas Gangrene
A bacterium called Clostridia causes gas gangrene, which is a type of wet gangrene. It is a characterized by little pockets of toxic gas under the skin.
Internal Gangrene
Lack of blood flow to the internal organs can cause a potentially life-threatening condition called internal gangrene.
Fournier's Gangrene
Fournier's gangrene is a rare type of genital gangrene that affects men more commonly than women. Genital or urinary tract infections can cause Fournier's gangrene; it is characterized by swelling, tenderness and pain in the genital area.