The Best Way to Remove Old Scars
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is effective in removing scars. The acid in the juice exfoliates the skin. It also helps to moisturize the skin and remove tough scar tissue.
There are a couple of different surgeries for scar removal. Dermabrasion, for example, is a surgical procedure in which thin layers of the skin are removed where there is scarring. After a few months, a new layer of skin takes the place of the removed scarred tissue. Over time, the skin returns to its natural color.
Laser surgery is another option. It is very similar to dermabrasion, except that the scarred tissue is removed with a laser as opposed to a knife.
Cocoa butter
Cocoa butter is a great product for reducing the appearance of scars. Cocoa butter is inexpensive and an excellent home remedy that has been used on scars for years. Massage this product into your skin several times a day until you get the desired results you are looking for. The moisturizing ingredients of the cocoa butter, along with the massaging action, result in an effective treatment for diminishing the appearance of scars. Cocoa butter is also widely used to prevent stretch marks.