Raw Honey Vs. Manuka Honey for Wound Care
According to a report in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine authored by Richard D. Forrest, MB, both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia relied on a mixture of raw honey and resin to care for wounds. After cleansing the wound with either milk or water, raw honey was used as a dressing. The effects of raw manuka honey have been advocated since 1989 by Dr. Peter Molan, a professor at the University of Waikato in New Zealand who has performed extensive research on the healing properties of the honey.
The level of healing that is provided by honey is determined by the floral source where the honeybees find the nectar. The amount of antibacterial properties found in honey varies among types. Raw honey does not refer to honey from a particular flower, but refers to the pure, natural state of honey that is not processed or pasteurized. Manuka honey is derived specifically from flowers that grow on manuka trees, which are mainly found in New Zealand and some parts of Australia.
Both raw honey and raw manuka honey help to reduce inflammation and swelling, decrease pain and reduce odor. In addition to the benefits of raw honey, raw manuka honey may provide more rapid healing because of its strong antibacterial agents. According to Medical Solutions, an Irish-based company that manufactures raw manuka honey, the floral components of manuka enhance the other antimicrobial properties in the honey, making it more effective for therapeutic use.
How it works
According to Adam Voiland in US News and World Report, studies have shown that raw honey is able to kill microbes because of its ability to dehydrate the bacteria that are present in a wound. The honey not only eliminates infection, but also helps the wound to heal faster. The high level of acidity found in the honey aids in the process. Their research also states that the potency of raw manuka honey makes it effective against MRSA and other staph infections that are often resistant to standard treatment.
Which type of honey to use depends on the wound and the health of the individual. Processed or pasteurized honey should never be used. For basic wounds, both raw honey and manuka honey will help to clear the infection and aid recovery. Diabetics, who have difficulty healing wounds, may require the added strength of the manuka honey. More serious wounds, such as those that may be contaminated with MRSA and other staph bacteria, should be treated with raw manuka honey as opposed to other raw honeys.