Finger Tendon Injuries
There are several types of tendon injuries such as tendons that are crushed, lacerated and cut. A tendon can also become detached from the bone, which is known as an avulsion fracture. Tendons are found just underneath the finger skin, making them very susceptible to cuts and legions.
The physician will most likely wish to examine the patient's hand fully. This will include a strength test, a feeling test, and range of motion of the area that has sustained the injury. If the physician thinks you have an item lodged within your finger, he or she may wish to have an x-ray done. An x-ray will not show the tendon injuries. It will only show some items that have been lodged within your finger.
When trying to take care of a finger tendon injury at home before going to the doctor, or if you believe you can just deal with it yourself, you should make sure you get the bleeding under control by applying pressure to the area for a few minutes. Make sure you keep your hand elevated above the heart to help stop the bleeding. Carefully remove any dirt particles from the wound and gently clean it out. Once you have done this you can apply a bandage to the wound so it will stay clean until you get it looked at by a physician.
Prior to treating the injury, your physician may wish to numb the finger tissue with an anesthetic. This is done by numbing the entire finger with what is called a digital block. If the patient has received an open wound, the physician may wish to look more closely at the wound to see how bad it is and make sure no objects are lodged within. The finger will be completely cleaned and then the nail bed and tendons will be sutured shut with thread. If you have received a fracture or a dislocation, the physician will splint the part of the finger that has been hurt or possible the whole hand, depending on the severity of the issue.
Many wounds are at a greater risk of forming an infection and may require treatment with antibiotics. If the physician orders antibiotics to be taken, it is essential that the patient ingest all pills and follow the directions very carefully. Some oral pain relievers can be prescribed if the wound is severe.