What Causes Fungus in Toenails?
Contagious Infection
Contagious infection that causes toenail fungus refers to those environments that promote optimal conditions for fungus to exist and spread. These types of environments include continuous amounts of warmth and humidity, which are the prime elements that promote fungal growth and contagion. According to the National Library of Medicine having moist skin for long periods of time can cause toenail infections. Areas such as communal bathing are typical of these types of optimal environments, including public swimming pools, fitness centers, spas and school locker rooms.
According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most common attributive factors to fungus in toenails is the type of footwear that a person chooses, especially those that are worn on a regular basis. Fully-enclosed shoes and boots are typical of those types of footwear that can promote fungal growth in toenails. The primary causal factor of these types of footwear is the lack of ventilation. The decrease of proper aeration of the toes leads to increased moisture, especially under the toenails, which promotes fungal growth in these areas.
This is another aspect of dressing the feet that can be a contributing factor to the promotion of toenail fungus. Wearing socks and other hosiery that are made of synthetic materials tends to be more conducive to fungal growth in toenails. This is due to the inability these types of materials have to allow proper ventilation to the feet. Additionally, socks and hosiery that are not changed frequently, including those made from cotton (which does promote ventilation), will promote conditions that can contribute to fungal growth in toenails.
Additional Causes
Having an ingrown toe nail or a hang nail can allow the fungus to enter your body. Most toenail infections are caused by the same fungus that causes athlete's foot. The fungus that causes athlete's foot can also spread to your toenails and cause the fungus to grow on the nail.
According to the National Library of Medicine, proper care of the feet is important in relation to the prevention of fungus in toenails. Feet that are not washed a minimum of once daily can become areas that promote fungal growth, especially after excessive sweating in the foot areas. Regular laundering of socks and hosiery after being worn is also important in preventing fungus in toenails. Additionally, proper maintenance of the toenails is essential in the prevention of fungal growth, including regular cleaning under the toenails as well as keeping the toenails trimmed to discourage collection and growth of toenail fungus.