Home Remedies for a 3rd Degree Tear
Sitz Bath
A sitz bath is a type of bath where the hips and buttocks are soaked in water, usually very hot water for a third degree tear. It increases blood flow to the pelvic area and helps reduce inflammation. The name "sitz" comes from the German word "sitzen," which means "to sit." To prepare a sitz bath, fill a bathtub with water that is about 110 degrees F so that only your pelvic region is submerged. Pour 1 cup of salt into the water as it is running. Stay in the sitz bath for 15 to 20 minutes.
You can also use fresh aloe vera to treat a third degree tear. If you buy store bought aloe vera, make sure it does not contain preservatives as they are irritants. Aloe vera is one of the oldest known natural pain relievers. It is effective in healing and will cool and soothe the tear. To use, spread the gel from the leaves and place on a sanitary pad. You can use as often as needed for the pain.
Raw honey is another home remedy for third degree tears. Honey will form a barrier that will prevent infection. The moistness of the honey allows the skin cells to grow and prevent scarring. Also, the natural sugars will extract dirt from the wound which will prevent the growth of bacteria. The acidity of the honey will also prevent bacteria growth. Honey is an anti-inflammatory and pain killer. To use, apply approximately 1 tablespoon directly to the affected area or apply onto a maxi-pad.