Home Remedies for Bruising
A cold compress should be placed on the bruising skin as soon as possible. The quicker it can be applied, the less chance of the bruise forming and the faster it will heal and disappear. Wrap an ice pack in a clean towel and apply it to the face for 15 minutes. A frozen bag of veggies will work, and is usually easy to grab. Apply the pack four to five times in the first 24 hours following the injury.
Heat can be applied to help speed up the healing process of a bruise. This home remedy should come after the first 24 hours of the blemish. Apply heat to the affected area using a heated pad, warmed towel or warm, moist washcloth. The heat will help improve the blood circulation to the area, reducing swelling and the discoloration of the bruise.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help repair the skin, eliminating the visibility of a bruise. That is because the vitamin supports the creation of collagen, a fundamental element found in skin tissue. It will help repair the broken blood vessels in the skin that cause the bruise to form. Foods that contain high levels of Vitamin C include broccoli, citrus fruits and cauliflower. Supplements can also be used to increase your intake, but do not exceed consuming 2,000 mg on a daily basis.
Elevating the bruised area will help it heal faster. This remedy works by reducing the amount of blood reaching the area, which will help decrease the appearance and swelling related to the bruise. Keeping the bruise higher than your heart is the most effective level of elevation.