What Are the Benefits of Myrrh Essential Oil?
Myrrh was used medicinally over 3,700 years ago. Its use is inscribed on the tomb of Hathseput, an Egyptian queen from 15th century B.C. It is one of the gifts presented by the Magi's during Christ's birth in the New Testament. Myrrh is a resin extracted from the myrrh tree, which is native to Egypt where it was used in incense and perfumes. In ancient Greece, myrrh oil was used to heal wounds. Kohl, a black powder made from ground and burned myrrh incense, was used to make black eyeliner in ancient Egypt.
Myrrh alleviates inflammation in the body and fights fungal infections. It can help to relieve coughs and colds caused by viral infections. Myrrh has astringent effects on the gums and teeth. It is often used in natural toothpastes, gargles and mouthwashes. The oil is also effective against microbial infections such as food poisoning or infection. Myrrh stimulates circulation and helps oxygen circulate through the body. It also works to strengthen the immune system.
Myrrh is believed to manifest dreams into reality by bridging the connection between heaven and earth, and the crown and base chakra. Chakras are believed to be wheels of light or energy in Hinduism. The chakras start at the base, located at the sexual organs, and rise through the middle of the body to the crown chakra at the top of the head. It is commonly used as incense with frankincense and sandalwood during meditation. In yoga and meditation, myrrh has been used as an anointment over the third eye chakra, located in the center of the forehead.
Myrrh oil is commonly used in aromatherapy because of its uplifting properties. The oil is calming to the central nervous system, and promotes tranquility. Myrrh also has sedative and antidepressant qualities when used as a scent. The oil is believed to assist the mind in opening to spirituality. The fragrance is often used in cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents because of its pleasant smell and calming effect.
Myrrh should not be used during pregnancy because it can induce an abortion. Myrrh is often used topically, but can cause problem with dermatitis in those who have sensitive skin. A high dosage can also negatively effect the heart rate. Myrrh can cause changes in blood glucose when taken internally, and interfere with therapy for diabetes. Pure essential oils should never be taken internally unless a few drops are diluted in water. Essential oils are heavily concentrated, and can cause more serious side effects. Also, essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before being applied to the skin.