Foot Blister Relief
Drain the Blister
If the blister is filled with fluid, drain it. Clean the blister with warm water and soap before draining. Wipe the blister and a sharp, clean needle with rubbing alcohol to keep everything free of bacteria. Holding the foot steady, slowly push the needle through the blister, near one of its edges. Let the fluid drain out before applying an antibiotic ointment to the blister. Cover it with a bandage that covers the entire blister.
Disinfect and Protect
If the blister is already broken, the site Section Hiker recommends disinfecting and bandaging the blister. Swab rubbing alcohol on and around the blister to disinfect it. If the skin over the blister looks dirty, carefully trim it with scissors disinfected in rubbing alcohol. Apply an antibiotic ointment over the blister before covering it with a bandage.
Add Cushioning
Reduce additional pain by cushioning the bandaged blister with moleskin. Place it over the bandage, taping it down with gauze tape if it does not stay on the bandage. The moleskin provides an extra cushion for the blister to rest on, reducing irritation and pain.
Use Petroleum Jelly
If a bandage is not readily accessible, use petroleum jelly instead. According to Sports Injury Clinic, petroleum jelly provides instant relief from blister pain. It only lasts temporarily, however, or until the jelly melts away from the foot. To use, apply the jelly all around the foot and on the blister after disinfecting the blister with rubbing alcohol. Reapply it if the jelly moves away from the blister.