How to Remove Tegaderm Bandages
Things You'll Need
- Adhesive remover wipes (optional)
Explain to the patient that you are going to remove the Tegaderm dressing. Patients usually feel more at ease when they know what to expect, especially in a hospital setting.
Grasp any edge of the Tegaderm.
Begin to pull back the edge with one hand, pulling in the direction of hair growth, as if you were peeling it back. Don't pull the Tegaderm straight up to avoid the pain associated with pulling out hair or disturbing skin wounds.
Use a medically approved adhesive remover if the patient requests that or if the Tegaderm is very sticky. Rub the adhesive remover at the crease where the skin and Tegaderm meet to help remove of the Tegaderm.
Throw the Tegaderm out after it is removed and check the skin for any new skin wounds or additional trauma to the area.