Knee Strengthening Exercises
To do hamstring-strengthening exercises, sit in a chair and put your heels flat on the floor. Your heels should stay stationary; however you should use your muscles to pull back on them. Doing this will cause you to feel tension in the hamstrings. This exercise should be done for about 10 seconds and there should be 10 repetitions done. Relax for about 3 to 5 seconds in between each repetition.
Hamstrings can be made stronger by doing other exercises as well. One of the most effective exercises is to lie on your stomach and rest the toes of the right foot are on the heel of the left foot. Pull the left foot toward you, but use the right foot to resist any movement. This allows contraction around the hamstrings and builds strength so that there is less stress placed directly on the knee. Do this exercise in repetitions of 10 for 10 seconds each with a 3-second break in between.
Sit in a chair and hold your legs out straight so that your feet are horizontal to the floor. Keep your knees are straight and flex the muscles in your thighs. Keep the muscles tight for 10 seconds and then relax for 3 seconds. Do this exercise in repetitions of 10. This will help strengthen the area just above the knee cap and will reduce pressure placed on the knee.
Leg lifts can also help strengthen the quadriceps area around your knees. Lie flat on your back and bend your right knee so that creates a right angle. Be sure to keep your left leg straight on the floor and then lift it until it's at the same height as the other leg. Keep your legs in this position for 3 seconds and then slowly lower the legs; switch and repeat. Do this 10 times.
Do not try to lift both legs off of the floor at the same time. Doing this causes a lot of stress on the lumbar region of the back. Although it can build the muscles in the legs, your back would pay severely for this exercise. Lift just one leg at a time.