Itching Cures
Home Remedies
There are a few home remedies you can try to cure your itching before moving on to other cures. You can begin with an oatmeal bath that will soothe your skin. Just add 2 to 3 cups of oats to a warm, but not hot bath. Soak in it for at least 20 minutes. You can also use items from your kitchen; lemon juice, olive oil, evaporated milk or peppermint can be applied to the area or to the bath to help relieve itchy skin. Baking soda mixed with water to form a paste is also a very effective itching cure.
Creams and Medication
If you can't find relief in your kitchen cupboards, head to the drugstore for some help. Hydrocortisone or calamine creams are very effective when applied directly to the affected area. Look in the first-aid section of the drugstore for a wide variety of lotions that will stop the itch. If your itching is the result of allergies, as referenced by itchy eyes or skin, try taking an over-the-counter antihistamine. Even aspirin can help those with chronic itch find some relief.
Don't Touch
If you've ever heard your mom scold you for constantly scratching an itch, listen to her. She was absolutely right. Avoid touching, rubbing or scratching the affected area. Your scratching can further inflame the itch, causing it to only get worse. If you need to, wrap the affected area in gauze to avoid touching it. Remember to wear light clothing over the area that won't aggravate the condition. Try and keep the area dry after applying any treatments, as moisture can worsen the itch.